In 2009, the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the KIT in Karlsruhe initiated the formation of a compound platform called ComPlat (Compound Platform former Combinatorial Chemistry Platform). The platform has been installed to support chemists in their efforts to collect, store and share compounds that have been prepared in various projects. While there are various compound facilities around the world that store and distribute selected drug-like compounds, we installed the ComPlat with the aim to handle all (stable) compounds of our academic projects to achieve three main aims:
1) Establish a standardized storage of reference compounds
2) Offer the compounds for academic screening initiatives
3) Provide compounds for academic work in fields of research other than high-throughput screening (e.g.
materials science, biology).
Blattner Lab (ITG), Cato Lab (ITG), Dickmeis Lab (ITG), Foulkes Lab (ITG), Grabher Lab (ITG), Schepers Lab (ITG), Strähle Lab (ITG), Müller Lab (Bonn), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology (Dortmund), Community for Open Antimicrobial Drug Discovery CO-ADD, Screening Center ITG, Minglu Gao, Guse Lab, Özbek Lab, Holstein Lab
The ComPlat runs chemistry labs at the Campus North of the KIT to provide novel methods for the synthesis on and with solid phases.
The members of the labs provide new technologies and modify compounds according to the needs of collaborating biologists: